Eating Disorders – Mind Over Matter

Jun 29, 2022 | Blog

Those with eating disorders tend to have body image issues, they get hung up on size and shape and their so called flaws. They spend their time measuring their success by their weight on the scale, fearing food and fat. They spend even more time beating themselves up if they feel their body is not in the perfect proportion.

This is what I would like to say to all those struggling with an eating disorder – anorexia – bulimia – binge eating :

You cannot heal from this “dis”-ease, this “dis”-comfort, this “dis”-tress if you focus on all the “dis” -tain you feel for your body! (Just reading that previous sentence alone makes me cringe because it is so negative). Healing happens when we focus on our positive aspects and give ourselves love! We need to try to remember how beautiful, special, and magical we are! We need to imagine our symptoms disappearing and picture ourselves in an ideal state of health. Bottom Line: If you want to heal from an eating disorder, you need to reconsider where you are focusing your mind!

If you are suffering from an eating disorder and want help, don’t hesitate, call Integrative Psychotherapy, 917.535.9519.

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