Throughout our childhood, we are encouraged by adults to do many things that our heart or gut seem to disagree with. We sometimes go with our instinct and sometimes we choose the path set out for us by others.
If we delve too far into a life that does not satisfy our own desire, we may become out of balance. Our journey in life is no longer ruled by our own heart, we are no longer following our gut instinct. Therein lies a reason we may be starving, bingeing, or purging on food, feeling guilt or blaming ourselves. We are using food to ignore another part of our life that ultimately needs correcting if we are to heal. Overcoming an eating disorder takes more than just correcting our eating patterns, it also entails healing our lives.
If you are suffering from an eating disorder and want help, don’t hesitate, call Integrative Psychotherapy, 917.535.9519.